Property Management

Q & A’s
Licensed, insured, and experienced.

Lawrence Realty LLC’s professional team with over 60 years combined experience to completely service your property management needs and help you maximize your profits. When working with us you are working with Licensed Realtors who will look out for your best interests. Don’t be fooled by companies that say they are property managers but have no license or education about the laws and regulations regarding rental real estate and are operating in violation of State of Ohio law.

Who is your contact person at Lawrence Realty, LLC when you have a question?

Lenny and Dennie will be your personal point of contact in the office for Residential Property Management, Homeowner and Condo associations. However, our accounting department, field department and the entire Lawrence team will always be able to help! For any Real Estate purchasing and sales we can all help you at any time!  You can rest assured that your tenant and your property will be take care of.

Where is Lawrence Realty, LLC?

Lawrence Realty, LLC is an established company with a seasoned team! We are within minutes of Canton and Akron with our new office at 4815 Munson Street, Canton, Ohio 44718. We service all areas In Northeast Ohio.

Where does Lawrence Realty, LLC advertise and who pays for it?

We advertise on the MLS (multiple listing service) as well as our company website and roughly 48+ other sites. There is no additional cost for advertising for our clients. Advertising is included in our monthly property management program.

How does Lawrence Realty, LLC check on applications to determine a qualified renter?

We field all ad calls and conduct all showings of the properties as well as perform state and national background checks for any past evictions or criminal activity in all 50 states. 

How does Lawrence Realty LLC get the client’s monies to them?

We collect all deposits and rents, and pay the bills with those rents, Then the following month we deposit (ACH) the remaining balance into your bank account and then email you a copy of your deposit receipt. Lawrence Realty LLC provides access to an owner portal online to see all reports and receipts easily at any time in a live feed. However, various reports can be sent per client's request at any time or made accessible on the portal.

How do we get started with Lawrence Realty?

We are ready to start today!

It doesn’t matter if you have 100 or just 1,

if they are rented or vacant,

rental, condo association or homeowner's association,

if you want to sell them, buy more, just rent them out or need full property management.

We can do it all!

We can take over today in any situation. We can even send your contract and paperwork to you to sign electronically. All we need is your ok to get started!

Let’s make your investment be an investment! Not another job for you.

Let us help you keep your property income earning and properly managed.

Our property management system is a well-oiled machine.

Join our family.